Thursday, February 10, 2011


Hi Ya'll
I've been slacking so far this new year. Things have been hectic, stressful, and beautiful the beginning of this year.

I moved! I'm am now living in Chandler with two girls from my ward, Meggan and Lori.
What a blessing this has been! These girls are SO amazing! The 3 of us fit together like musketeers! They have quickly become two of my best friends. I got so lucky, that in the short amount of time I had to move out and find a place to  live, I found these two girls and realized this is exactly where I was meant to be! It is a home. A loving home and a great environment! I couldn't have asked for a better place to live and I couldn't have asked for better roommates!

(left to right: me, lori, meggan)

I have also purchased a new car this year. I traded in my Mazda3 for a new Chevrolet Cruze!! The Cruze is Chevy's newest model, just came out in January of this year! I named her Zofia and I have had her for almost 3 weeks now. She has treated me well so far and it is safe to say that I think I am in love!

I also had some health issues this past month. I was in and out of the hospital and then had to get a colonoscopy.. which was not fun, amoung several other tests. Luckily, after a couple weeks of incredible pain and suffering, pricking and sticking, and tests and medications, I was kicked back on my feet and we found out it was a mere infection as opposed to the horrible disease they thought it was. Yet another blessing.

That is my update... I am alive and happy and things are finally looking up. I am excited to see what the rest of this year has to offer me... it has started out to be the most exciting and trying year so far of my life so I plan on keeping you up to date with all this years adventures!

Special Thanks to my wonderful Boyfriend and my Best Friend, Timmy Nystrom, for taking such good care of me, supporting me, protecting me, guiding me, and most of all loving me. He is my rock and the reason for my courage and strength.
Also to his Mom Diane for all she has done to support me and help me through the past two months. She is truly an angel. Her heart and her arms are always open and she provides such great comfort when I need it most.
I consider this the biggest blessing of them all.


I'm way behind on my blogs.. but I wanted to share some pictures from Christmas! Timmy and I spent Christmas Eve morning with part of my family in Phoenix then spent that night with his family. It was a wonderful year and a wonderful way to spend the holiday with the people we love so much.

christmas lights at rancho del mar 

breakfast on christmas eve

diane and i :)

my two favorite boys in the whole world :) timmy and ben

Saturday, November 27, 2010


Thanksgiving was a lot of fun!
Timmy helped cook... he peeled 2 whole potatoes. Haha
Then he distracted the real cook...
Mom and I :]
Finishing what Timmy didn't
Football on the TV of course
Us :]
And a game of BAGS after dinner!
Ben and I :]
Got my bib on Haha
 The girls. Tim's nieces Courtney and Caitlin.
 More bags...
Doing dishes!!!
 Tim started the fire all by himself!
So handsome!!
Ben playing on his ipad hahaha
 Ben and I :]

Sunday, November 21, 2010


So I cooked.... and I'm pretty proud of it. Haha I made Timmy a delicious dinner!! Anyone who knows me knows that I am NOT a cook so this is pretty much a big deal. But it turned our great! I really enjoyed making it and Timmy really liked it! Thanks soo much Lori for the recipe!!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Timmy and I had SUCH a great time in Flagstaff this weekend!

Here are some pics...

Monday, September 27, 2010


Meet the man in my life, Timmy James Nystrom. Isn't he just handsome? :]

just a little about him...

-he is 24 yrs old
-he's a real estate agent working for a company called Keller Williams
-he LOVES bowties!
-he has type 1 diabetes
-he is the only man i know who will admit he likes Zac Efron
-he drives a beautiful mustang named Carroll
-he does custom paint work on cars
-he is the only man that can make me laugh more than my brother Brian
-he knows how to play more instruments than i can name
-he spends more time worrying about his hair than i do about mine!
-he's a wonderful painter
-he has the most beautiful blue eyes in the whole wide world!
-he was adopted
-he knows how to cook better than me (doesn't say much though)
-he might be the only man i will ever meet that enjoys shopping just as much as i do!
-he's working on writing his own novel
-his idol is Frank Sinatra
-OH! and he loves me :]

That's him in a nutshell. He's mine, and he's wonderful. He treats me better than I could have ever imagined. As I've grown up over the past few years and dated my fair share of men, I always ask myself if the guy I am dating is anything like my Grandpa Coggins. If the answer is no, I won't waste my time. Since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to end up with someone JUST like Grandpa. Someone who will treat me the same way, with the same respect and love, that my Grandpa treated my Grandma.

Well, Louie, there's no doubt in my mind that you would be proud of this one :]